
Conference Papers

GREP has published a total of 290 Conference Papers since 1983, distributed in the following years as shown in the figure below.


Complete list of the published Conference Papers




Most relevant Conference Papers from the past 5 years.


Title Modulation and capacitor voltage balancing control of a four-level active-clamped dualactive- bridge DC-DC converter
Authors A. Filba-Martinez, S. Busquets-Monge, J. Bordonau
Conference 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'16 ECCE Europe)


Title A novel commutation sequence for the three-level active neutral-point-clamped inverter to aid in splitting switching and conduction losses among the semiconductor devices
Authors L. Caballero, S. Busquets-Monge, S. Ratés
Conference 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'16 ECCE Europe)


Title Enhanced power device configuration and operation of a grid-connected active-neutral-point-clamped inverter for wind energy conversion systems
Authors L. Caballero, S. Busquets-Monge, S. Ratés
Conference 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'16 ECCE Europe)



Title Advantages of ac-ac power converters based on ANPC topology for wind applications
Authors Caballero, L.; Ratés, S.; Caubet, O.; Busquets-Monge, S.
Conference EWEA Annual Event


Title Efficiency comparison between SiC- and Si-based active neutral-point clamped converters
Authors J. Nicolas-Apruzzese, E. Maset, S. Busquets-Monge, V. Esteve, J. Bordonau, A. Calle-Prado, J. Jordán
Conference IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology



Title Estudio eléctrico y térmico en transistores IGBT en paralelo con control de reparto de corriente
Authors Perez, R.; Roman, M.; Velasco, G.
Conference Annual Seminar on Automation, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation


Title Burden resistor selection in current transformers for low power applications
Authors Conesa, A.; Bargallo, R.; Velasco, G.; Roman, M.
Conference Annual Seminar on Automation, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation


Title Mejoras en el consumo de energía de los transductores de corriente basados en el efecto flux-gate
Authors Roman, M.; Velasco, G.; Perez, R.; Conesa, A.; Bonell, M.; Rojas, A.
Conference Annual Seminar on Automation, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation


Title Solid state transformer with low-voltage ride-through and current unbalance management capabilities
Authors S. Alepuz, []
Conference 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society


Title Predictive Current Control of a Back-to-Back NPC Wind Energy Conversion System to meet Low Voltage Ride-Through Requirements
Authors S. Alepuz, []
Conference 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society


Title Experimental efficiency comparison between a four-level active-clamped and a two-level topology
Authors J. Nicolas, []
Conference 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society


Title Modulation and capacitor voltage balancing control of a three-level NPC dual-active-bridge DC-DC converter
Authors A. Filbà-Martinez, []
Conference 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society


Title Neutral-point voltage dynamic model of three-level NPC inverter for reactive load
Authors R. Maheshwari, S. Munk-Nielsen, S. Busquets-Monge
Conference 38th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society


Title A carrier based approach for overmodulation of three-level neutral point clamped inverter with zero neutral-point current
Authors R. Maheshwari, S. Munk-Nielsen, S. Busquets-Monge
Conference 4th IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition


Title EMI performance comparison of two-level and three-level inverters in small dc-link capacitors based motor drives
Authors R. Maheshwari, S. Munk-Nielsen, S. Busquets-Monge
Conference 21th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics


Title Development and testing of a distribution electronic power transformer model
Authors J. Martin-Arnedo, F. Gonzalez, J. A. Martinez, S. Alepuz
Conference 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting